High School Courses

The Nea curriculum is based on California Common Core Standards and has been reviewed and approved by both the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the University of California.

Typical courses for each year of high school

High-school schedules are designed to allow high-school learners flexibility for elective choices, college classes, internships and service learning opportunities. Typically, as learners evolve from being Freshmen (9th grade) to becoming Seniors (12th grade), their academic schedules reflect a transition from being mostly "in-the-building" to significantly "in-the-world", as appropriate.

The example below shows a typical path through high school and some of the choices to be made. Starred (*) courses are available as honors courses. At least 230 credits are needed for Nea graduation. Each learner's yearly schedule is determined individually, in consultation with the school counselor.

9th Grade
Contemporary Community Citizenship (1 credit)
English 1 (10 credits)
Algebra 1 (10 credits)
Earth Science (10 credits)
Spanish 1 (10 credits)
Current Life Issues (5 credits)
PE (10 credits)
One of:
College Preparatory Elective (10 credits)

Other Elective (10 credits)

Total: 66 credits
10th Grade
Contemporary Community Citizenship (1 credit)
English 2* (10 credits)
Biology (10 credits)
Geometry (10 credits)
Spanish 2 (10 credits)
US/World History (10 credits)
PE (10 credits)
One of:
Visual/Performing Arts (10 credits)
College Preparatory Elective (10 credits)

College Course (10 credits)

Total: 71 credits
11th Grade
Contemporary Community Citizenship (1 credit)
Junior Seminar (10 credits)
English 3* (10 credits)
Algebra 2 (10 credits)
Chemistry (10 credits)
US/World History (10 credits)
One or two of:
Visual/Performing Arts (10 credits)
College Preparatory Elective (10 credits)

College Course (10 credits)

Total: 61-71 credits
12th Grade
Contemporary Community Citizenship (1 credit)
Senior Seminar (10 credits)
English 4* (10 credits)
Pre-Calculus (10 credits)
Government (5 credits)
Economics (5 credits)
Two or three of:
Visual/Performing Arts (10 credits)
College Preparatory Elective (10 credits)

College Courses (10 credits)

Total: 61-71 credits
High School Electives:
  • Art 1
  • Art 2: Digital Illustration
  • Beginning Guitar
  • Beginning Piano
  • Calculus
  • History through Film
  • Introduction to Computer Programming
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Journalism
  • Leadership (Student Government)
  • Music Appreciation
  • Philosophy
  • Spanish 1-3
  • Women's Studies
  • World Geography
  • Yoga

Elective offerings may vary from year to year.

Honors Courses:

Honors courses can help learners achieve competitive eligibility for admission to the University of California and other top universities. Nea offers the following Honors courses:

  • Honors English 2
  • Honors English 3
  • Honors English 4